Sullivan Fields

Waukesha, WI

Site: Approx. 32 Acres
Project Area: Approx. 15 Acres

Services Provided: Civil, Landscape Architecture, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing

CMH's main campus was landlocked, which hindered its ability to expand and add additional space for athletics.

Catholic Memorial High School (CMH) relied on other local schools’ facilities for some of their athletic events. To address these challenges and provide a dedicated space for athletic programs and learning activities, CMH embarked on a campus expansion project.

The project aimed to design and construct a varsity softball, varsity baseball, and varsity soccer field. Additionally, the design allowed for flexibility in creating multi-use fields for youth tournaments and practices. Proposed facilities included a concessions and locker room building, ticket booths, and a press box for the soccer field. However, the site purchased for the expansion contained multiple wetland complexes with a 75′ setback, restricting the developable area for the fields. As a result, obtaining a fill permit became necessary, adding complexity to the project schedule due to the review process and coordination with Village approvals. The construction will be completed in phases, with Phase I focusing on the playing fields and Phase II on the buildings.

Upon completion, the fields and facilities will serve CMH for generations, providing dedicated space for athletic events and eight acres of the Miishkooki Wetlands for learning activities, thereby enhancing the overall campus experience.