Set in the Beautiful Mountains of Tennessee

Soaky Mountain Waterpark

Sevierville, TN

50-Acre Waterpark: 21 Buildings (400-5,000 SF)

Services Provided: Structural, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Lighting Design

Innovative attractions and amenities are what the Wilderness Resorts & Waterparks are known for in the industry.

To say that this project overcame obstacles is an understatement. With construction starting during the pandemic, having to blast and move 750,000 yards of earth before construction and numerous wash out days when no work could be done, the challenges were constant. All that said, the project was completed a year before the anticipated date and was the largest waterpark opening in the US in 2020.

Awaiting the over 400,000 attendees annually are attractions including a 35,000 SF wave pool, a winding river, slides with an obstacle course and water coasters. Discretely nestled amongst the water fun are support buildings for equipment and storage and public buildings for food and retail. Structurally materials used were wood and masonry walls, standard wood trusses/ plywood sheathing, glue-lam beams, purlins and exposed timber decking. The plumbing and electrical systems meet the specific demands for waterpark design and for the numerous buildings. All lighting fixtures used were corrosion resistant for safety and ease of maintenance, and fun decorative lighting to enhance all the public spaces.

Named 2020 Dream Design by Aquatics International
World Waterpark Association 2020 Leading Edge Award
Largest waterpark opening in the US in 2020