From Industrial Grit to Creative Firm Retrofit

City Lights

Milwaukee, WI

40,000 SF

Services Provided: Civil, Landscape Architecture, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Lighting Design, Telecommunications

The site was originally known as the West Side Works for the Milwaukee Gas Light Company. The building was originally designed to facilitate the coal gasification process which provided the coal gas used to light street lamps throughout the City of Milwaukee. In 2008, 106 years after the building was originally erected a grand interior space has been maintained and a symbolic gasometer greets clients in the highly active, visually stunning space.

Most notably, the space showcases all facets of our engineering firm’s capabilities as it relates to historical preservation and renovation. Civil engineering component of this site involved all design and coordination of site development phases, including; water mains, sanitary sewers, lift station, roadways, bio-retention stormwater management plan and design, environmental remediation permitting and City collaboration.

The new second floor mezzanine utilized composite steel construction with columns carefully located and supported on existing pile caps.