Milwaukee Offers a Safe Haven

Sojourner Family Peace Center

Milwaukee, WI

Services Provided: Civil, Landscape Architecture, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection

Sojourner Family Peace Center, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, and state-wide governmental agencies were able to bring their vision to life!

The new Center, serving families impacted by violence in their community, broke ground in August 2014. The new family justice center will house both private and public organizations that will provide domestic violence prevention as well as intervention services. The 56-bed facility houses a 24-hour crisis shelter. Providers and government agencies housed at the family justice center will include: Sojourner Family Peace Center, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin (Child Advocacy Center/Child Protection Center, Child Abuse Prevention Fund, Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin, WI CAN, and Project Ujima), Milwaukee Police Department – sensitive crimes, Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office, Milwaukee Public Schools, Job Training Agency Partner, Suburban law enforcement representatives, and Legal Action.