Benefits for Generations

St. Ann’s Center for Intergenerational Care

Milwaukee, WI

80,000 SF

Services Provided: Civil, Structural, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Lighting Design, Telecommunications

The new Bucyrus Campus is a two-story intergenerational community care facility, featuring day care units for: older adults with dementia, severe physical and developmental disabilities, middle age and young adults with severe physical and developmental disabilities.

Located within the center is a medical clinic offering advanced nursing care and operated by a nurse practitioner, a dental clinic serving clients with severe disabilities, a wellness program providing hygiene, bathing services, and massage therapy, and a nine-room, short-term overnight respite unit.

The child component of the building features 17 infant and preschool classrooms and two classrooms for after-school and summer camp programs. The facility boasts an indoor lap pool and indoor intergenerational playground designed within an African motif. Outside amenities on the 7.5-acre campus include a 500-seat bandshell, children’s playgrounds, and flower and vegetable community gardens.

The St. Ann’s redevelopment encompassed an entire city block in an urban developed area within the City of Milwaukee. Main Engineering Storm & Sanitary lines were required to be evaluated and relocated as a result of the development. This utility redesign work was completed thru collaboration with City Sewer Design Staff.